An Anomaly's main focus is in staying out of the fray and keeping itself alive. Mutant Appendages can attack from an extra space away to avoid engagement, while clawing a second enemy. If the cryture does get engaged, Flaying Tendrils can throw enemies off with ease, giving them a chance to escape. With Anomalous Anatomy, they can heal themselves and shed debilitating effects, while Accelerated Mutation can take a major action to rack up a couple bonuses and heal a bit in the process.
Level 1 (100 exp)
Anomaly Novice - The cryture gains the Anomalous Anatomy and Mutant Appendages powers.
Level 2 (150 exp)
Durable - The cryture gets +10 Health.
Level 3 (250 exp)
Anomaly Adept - The cryture gains the Flaying Tendrils power.
Level 4 (400 exp)
Warrior - The cryture gets +1 Stamina.
Level 5 (600 exp)
Anomaly Paragon - The cryture gains the Accelerated Mutation power.
Mutant Appendages
Type: Aberrant
Major Action
Melee 2; Up to two targets adjacent to each other
Attack: Strength + Anomaly vs. Deflection
Hit: 2 damage per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit.
Flaying Tendrils
Cost: 1 Stamina
Type: Aberrant
Major Action
Personal Blast 1
Attack: Strength + Anomaly vs. Deflection
Hit: 2 damage per hit and you push the target 1 space per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit and the target.
Accelerated Mutation
Cost: 2 Stamina
Type: Aberrant
Major Action
Effect: You regain Health equal to your Deflection and you become Empowered and Hardened.
Anomalous Anatomy
Cost: 1 Stamina
Type: Aberrant
Minor Action
Effect: You regain Health equal to your Deflection and may remove one status from yourself.