A Terror-class cryture has access to a variety of control effects. Ghoulish Glare lets the cryture manipulate enemy positioning from range and Daunting Aura gives it the same ability at closer range. Horrific Shriek can blast several enemies at once, possibly inflicting the Clumsy status for some potential extra damage. Tremble in fear is the paragon power, which is an efficient ranged attack that can inflict both the Softened and Weakened at once.
Level 1 (100 exp)
Terror Novice - The cryture gains the Ghoulish Glare and Horrific Shriek powers.
Level 2 (150 exp)
Caster - The cryture gets +1 Mana.
Level 3 (250 exp)
Terror Adept - The cryture gains the Daunting Aura power.
Level 4 (400 exp)
Mobile - Opportunity attacks against the cryture get a -1 roll modifier.
Level 5 (600 exp)
Terror Paragon - The cryture gains the Tremble in Fear power.
Ghoulish Glare
Type: Death
Major Action
Ranged 5
Attack: Power + Terror vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit and you push the target 1 space.
Crit: +1 Hit.
Horrific Shriek
Cost: 1 Mana
Type: Death
Major Action
Melee Blast 1
Attack: Power + Terror vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit and the target becomes Clumsy.
Daunting Aura
Cost: 2 Mana
Type: Death
Major Action
Personal Blast 2
Attack: Power + Terror vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit and you push the target 2 spaces.
Crit: +1 Hit.
Tremble in Fear
Cost: 2 Mana
Type: Death
Major Action
Ranged 5
Attack: Power + Terror vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit and the target becomes Weakened.
Crit: +1 Hit and the target becomes Softened.